
RunSchool Online helps parents and guardians;

Pay their wards school fees online within the school portal.

You can monitor your children or wards performance from Test1, Test2, Test3 etc. to Exam. You do not have to wait till the term is over to know how well your wards are doing at school.

View, download pdf and print students report card for any term from anywhere in the world at any time using mobile phones or computer. You do not have to worry about misplaced or damaged report cards or result sheets. You can always reprint at anytime from anywhere.

Follow up with school activities at anytime from anywhere in the world with live news and event updates. Parents can be kept updated from the portal about school programs / activities to know what their kids are engaged in, at particular times.

Access photos and videos gallery of activities about the school from anywhere in the world at any time.

Guarantee of accurate results and record of their wards. No more errors in computation or correction stains on student result sheets or report cards since all computations are accurately done by the RunSchool Online results processor engine.